Sunday, June 20, 2010

AMERICAN EXPRESS reduced credit limit with no warning

american express with out notice reduced credit limit never been late 10 years this also affects fico/credit score by showing limit available credit< it is a catch 22 wrongly done,. i understand in this economy a business has to examine and reduce risk but not at the cost of wrecking good customers.congress should act on these actions of the credit card companys.they are reducing credit limits and increasing aprs to variables. fine repayment for good customers thanks alot. folks are having to reevaluate this economy.everyone who reads this should take the time to write the credit card companys personaly lots lots of mail. also write your local congress person lots lots of mail express your feeligs on this matter " this is wrong" it affects peoples lives/credit.if we dont stand for something we fall for anything enough is enough write letters.please write to right wrong

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