Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cancelled Card Without Even A Courtesy Call!

By: djayrox


I have had AMEX blue card for about 4 years now. The credit limit is only $2500. I have had high balances, but never missed a single payment ever.

Anyways, I was just sick of paying all this money in interest and started paying off one card after the other. About, two weeks back, I paid off AMEX card totally.

Today, we had gone for a company happy hour. When I gave my Amex card for paying the bill of some $30, the waitress came back and told me that the card was declined. I was like WTF? I asked her if she was sure. She told me that she tried it three times.

I then paid the bill using my debit card. I came home and called AMEX and they told me that they cancelled it.

I just asked them one question. Why the F can't you have the courtesy to call and at least let me know about this?? I've been such a good customer of theirs and this is how they pay me back.

Serious jerks.. I was so happy off late since I have been paying off all these credit cards and thought that my credit score would rise. Now, I actually worry that the score might have gone down since they cancelled my card!!

I'm so mad right now... The customer service representative was a biatchhh...

I hate AMEX!!

Hope they rot in hell...

Pissed right now.....

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